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Get Your Hotel Business Listing Today
How It Works
To register your business with our directory club we just need a little bit of information from you, based on our “Directory Submissions List” as listed on the page below.
Please submit all of the required info to our customer support.
To ensure that your business submission is accepted and published as soon as possible, please ensure that your submission is complete and that there is nothing incorrect or missing.
The Basics
1. Business Name 2. Company/Service Description… See this as your “Short Pitch“ 3. Company Image/Logo 800×450
4. YT or Vimeo Video Link or an Mp4 Video. 5. Listing Category/Specialization or Niche
6. Website Url 7. Company email e.g. 8. Location – Country, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Zip Code, Additional Info For Map Marker (If Any)